for Scotland
What is the Charter?
The PB Charter sets out seven key features showing what a fair and high quality participatory budgeting (PB) process should look like.
It aims to ensure PB is inclusive, uses good quality methods and is truly participative.
The Charter is a co-produced resource, developed by people with experience of PB processes in Scotland, including those from equality groups, community organisations and public bodies.
Who is it for?
The PB Charter is for everyone involved in a participatory budgeting process.
It can be used by people setting up a PB process to help them plan it properly, or it can be used by people taking part to help them know what they should expect.
The Charter has been written with everyone in mind and has been Crystal Marked by the Plain English Campaign.
It’s free and easy to download or view on your phone.
Why a Charter for PB?
PB is increasingly becoming a central part of how decisions are made in Scotland - the charter is a practical way to set a standard for good PB in Scotland.
The charter's seven features show what needs to be considered to make sure participatory budgeting is:
Fair and inclusive
Creative and flexible
Part of our democracy