Taking place across the country, the PB Festival is two days of events, discussion and ideas around participatory budgeting in Scotland.
The Festival will be made up of PB Scotland Network members like you from across the country. We're asking you to hold discussions, events, or just invite others to learn about your PB experience.
We also want to hear about the PB that's happening near you - add events to our PB Scotland Map and help build the picture of what's happening across the country.
The Festival will be a chance to learn from what's been happening and hear from the people who have being been planning, running and voting in PB processes across Scotland.
So get involved and be part of #PBFest18.
What is participatory budgeting?
PB is a way for local people to have a direct say in how public money is spent.
Learn all about PB in 60 seconds.
Why should I get involved in the Festival?
The PB Festival will be a chance to come together to learn about what's happening around participatory budgeting. So if you're planning PB processes, you've voted in one or you've never even heard of it, you'll gain more understanding about how PB works and why it's important.
How can I get involved?
You can run an event or host a discussion.
Attend an event - we'll let you know what's happening soon.
Who can get run an event?
Anyone! We want to hear from everyone who has been involved in participatory budgeting or is just interested in learning more.
What will PB Scotland be doing?
We'll be running some events of our own, and bringing everything together on the PB Scotland site and using @PB_Scotland. We'll try and get a flavour of everything that's happening and feedback some of the key lessons and ideas to the rest of the network.
What can PB Scotland do for my event?
We can provide branding, social media promotion and share some top tips about how to run it. Tell us your idea and we’ll get in touch.
Who can I contact for more info?
You can get in touch with the PB Scotland team here.