Participatory Budgeting: a model for involvement - GDA Event, 25 June


This free event is for anyone interested in how community empowerment and participatory budgeting can help tackle inequality in Glasgow - and how disabled Glaswegians are speaking out to help improve our city.

Come and join the discussions, as GDA members share learning from our Budgeting for Equality phase 2 pilot project.

Come and find out how:

  • GDA supports disabled people to have their say in decisions about their local areas, and have their voices heard in mainstream services across Glasgow.

  • Disabled people are joining together, through GDA, to support each other as an empowered community of interest

  • GDA’s model of involvement can pave the way for Second Generation Participatory Budgeting in Glasgow: a tool for empowering citizens to participate in building solutions to the issues they face, in their local areas and in wider mainstream services and decisions across the city of Glasgow.

The event will include:

  • ‘How to! - Equality in practice’: GDA members share top tips for removing barriers so disabled people can empower ourselves and be heard

  • Launch and Premier of GDA's latest film showcasing our members’ work and achievements helping shape Participatory Budgeting in Glasgow

  • Keynote address from the Minister for Older People and Equalities, Christina McKelvie MSP

  • Latest performance from our drama group, the Purple Poncho Players (PPPs)

  • Lunch

More here.