Calling North East Edinburgh – Dial in your vote!

The Ripple Project will be running a PB Process in October called ‘LCR Stands Up’ (Lochend, Restalrig and Craigentinny areas in North East Edinburgh).  

Voting for projects will be available via telephone or at an event held on 17 October 21. The Project will make available £16,000 from a number of different funders who believe that local people should make decisions about money that is spent in their area.

Everybody aged 8 and above who lives, works, volunteers, or studies in Restalrig, Lochend and Craigentinny can vote.

Any group or individual can apply as long as the criteria that we have set out is met. Projects must provide a benefit in the restalrig, lochend and craigentinny area.

Groups can apply for a grant of up to £1,600 maximum, but we also welcome applications for smaller amounts (minimum £50). Each group can only submit one application for funding in total.

There’s more in the event flyer here.

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