New project to explore PB and democracy across Europe

Democratic Society are working on DEMOTEC, an EU-funded Horizon 2020 project that is exploring how participatory budgeting (PB) can result in more informed citizen participation.

The aim of the project is to investigate whether and how participatory budgeting in regional and urban development policies can lead to greater and more informed citizen participation in policy-making and engage citizens that feel disconnected from political and policy processes.

DemSoc is focussed on participatory budgeting experiments and events through training, support, design and implementation across the seven case study authorities in Europe through applying different participatory and deliberative methods in practice that involve different citizen groups.

  • to apply different deliberative methods in practice, including piloting PB experiments and conducting PB events using digital technologies that involve different citizen groups, in regional and urban development policies in seven urban authorities across Europe;

  • to identify lessons for effective and efficient methods for citizen engagement – specifically, increasing public awareness, understanding and involvement by citizens in regional and urban development policies;

  • to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and exchange of experience on democratic innovations among practitioners between countries and authorities at different levels

These will take place in several urban communities across Europe: Greece, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, and Scotland.

There's more information here and a range of resources available here.