Digital PB Case Studies
/These case studies by Demsoc capture key learning points from Scotland's early exploration of digital tools to support participatory processes at a local level.
Read MoreThese case studies by Demsoc capture key learning points from Scotland's early exploration of digital tools to support participatory processes at a local level.
Read MoreBlog post by ng homes about its work with young people across North Glasgow, culminating in a Community Choices budgeting event on 28th March in Springburn Academy, Glasgow.
Read MoreUpNorth! Community Chest has provided a blog reporting on the recent PB process in Tongue, Sutherland on the March 11th 2017.
Read MoreWhere else other than a PB event would community projects offer each other the free use of a hearing loop, a spare couple of desks for working at and hens for a chicken coop?
Read MoreYou wouldn't normally expect to combine decision-making about local funding with a full pipe band on Burns night. But when decisions are put in the hands of the community, anything seems possible. Read PB Scotland's report from the Govan community budgeting event on the 25th January 2017.
Read MoreAs featured on the Innovation Exchange website, Western Isles Council has used PB to engage withcommunities in Uist and Barra around the redesign of the local public bus services.
Read MoreIn the latest events as part of tsiMoray’s ‘Canny Wi’ Cash’ initiative, eighteen charities and community groups have benefited from a total of £15,000, which has been distributed through a PB voting process.
Read MoreIn January 2016, South Lanarkshire Council and partners organised PB events in four locations in South Lanarkshire which took place across two days. The events allowed local people to decide how best to spend money on facilities and activities for young people. PB Scotland reports from one of the events, held in Springhall Community Centre.
Read MoreThe PB Network is the UK's independent body advocating for learning and innovation in Participatory Budgeting. As well as being a great resource in itself, the website contains a wide range of case studies, reports and videos about PB in the UK and worldwide.
See more at
The Scottish Government has collated examples of participatory budgeting from around Scotland in this report, intended to be a working document that will evolve as PB grows across Scotland.
You can read the full report here.
Participatory budgeting in Scotland.
Participatory budgeting (PB) is a way for people to have a direct say in how local money is spent.
A 60-second guide
to PB
PB Scotland is developed by the
Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC)
with funding from the Scottish Government.
For more information please contact
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