Why should we evaluate?
If we don’t evaluate then how do we know that our PB processes and programmes are as good as they can be? How do we know what improvements have been made possible through our PB Activities?
Evaluation is essentially the “so what” questions we need to ask which demonstrate why PB processes and programmes are beneficial to local communities and the agencies undertaking them and evidence why they should continue to be facilitated, valued and funded.
Conducting good evaluation is important as it can lead to:
Improved PB processes and experiences for individuals, communities, organisations and agencies involved.
Increased learning from PB practice, assisting in targeting and using resources in the best possible way.
Identifying further opportunities to develop and sustain future PB activities.
The evidence you gather during evaluation will be invaluable for three other important reasons. You can use the evidence to:
Identify evidence to sustain the work or implement a different approach.
Help change and challenge public attitudes and influence local and public policies and/or services.
Support new bids for further and future funding.
Evaluation helps us understand and demonstrate the value of our activities within our team, organisation, local communities and wider partners including our funders or grant providers.
Evaluation and PB
Evaluation is recognised as part of the 8-step process associated with PB. It is identified as the last stage, as this is where the round up and full evaluation reports and documents will be completed to prove success and inform future activity.
This, however, does not mean that evaluation should be an afterthought and only considered once a process has been completed. In fact, attention should be paid to evaluation from the early planning stages of any PB process with evaluation opportunities identified and considered before any significant PB activity has been delivered.
There will be evaluation opportunities within most of the lifecycle stages (8-steps above) of a PB process and evaluation actions should begin to be developed and evidence gathered as early as possible within the process.