Open Knowledge Edinburgh meet-up: Alternatives currencies and PB, 28th March

This meet-up will focus on how new currencies such as Bitcoin are challenging the way we perceive and use money. No longer are banks or governments the mediators of currencies, with the power to divest or invest to dictate the flow of value within society. The technology underlying Bitcoin, namely the blockchain, decentralises money and offers a platform for its creative use.

Bettina Nissen will present a number of inter-related designs and initiatives created within the ESRC-funded After Money project led by Design Informaticswhich contribute to contemporary debates around the emergence of new forms of value exchange.

Leah Lockhart will report on research by DemSoc on digital tools for participatory budgeting and facilitate a discussion on how these innovations are potentially relevant to the Open Government Scotland National Action Plan.

Open Knowledge Meet-ups are friendly and informal evenings for people to get together to share and argue all areas of openness. Come and join discussions around open knowledge and open data – from politics and philosophy to practicalities of theory and practice. Information about 

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