Young people drive change in Pollok

Young disabled people who live in Greater Pollok are acting together to make Pollok more accessible for all.

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The group of young disabled people were successful among 16 groups funded by Glasgow City Council's Participatory Budgeting pilot which prioritised the needs of young people in the area. The process for local young people was facilitated by SWAMP Community Development Trust and GDA input specific support and expertise as a community of interest 'anchor' organisation. This included accessible and fun confidence building, training, peer support and strengthening voices so that the young people can speak about what matters to them. This resulted in the young people participating both in dialogue and deliberation. Dialogue included sharing common experiences, listening to each other, exploring meaning, identifying barriers, building trust and a shared understanding. Deliberation involved considering priorities, examining options, hearing from experts, weighting preferences and making choices for decisions about what funding was needed and for what purpose.

Since the award of funds totalling almost £18,000 towards their project, the group has continued its deliberations. They have met a number of times to kick off their research which aims to put into action their ambitions for a more accessible Pollok. They are reaching far and wide across their local communities, emboldened by their success and encouraged by the local support they have received from other local young people, agencies and politicians. Recently, they attended the Thriving Place forum for the area and to identify potential partners to carry out their vital work which includes 5 main priorities:

  • Accessible IT equipment including computers, tablets, and space for gaming

  • Changing Places toilets in more venues

  • Sensory equipment

  • Accessible equipment for outdoor spaces

  • Adaptations to make community spaces more accessible - e.g. installing ramps

The disabled young people, supported by Glasgow Disability Alliance, intend to put one of these priorities into action after their initial scoping stage combined with further deliberation.

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With an action plan already agreed, the young people are determined to hear from those living in Greater Pollok and are in the process of developing a survey for the local community.

If you live in the Greater Pollok area and are interested in the project or would like to take part in the survey, please contact Ruth Hart, Community Development Coordinator.