Gorbals Ideas Fund 'Measure Up' using the PB Charter

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Gorbals Ideas Fund have used the PB Charter for Scotland to evaluate their participatory budgeting processes.

The Charter sets out the seven key features of a high quality PB process - the Gorbals project took those features and uses them to measure up their own practice:

“Over the course of July we worked together to reflect on what the Gorbals Ideas Fund has delivered, we analysed our work against the seven key features of PB as set out in the Charter and used our analysis to plan future developments.”

“We've set out our results in a report 'Measuring Up...Scotland's PB Charter and The Gorbals Ideas Fund' which we will update each year to make sure we are delivering the best possible Participatory Budgeting for the Gorbals community.”

The folks at Gorbals Ideas Fund also helped to develop the charter and it’s great seeing it used in such a practical way to show what they’ve being doing and what they’ll do in the future.

You can read more and download the full report here.