The PB Charter for Scotland: Making good PB happen
/The PB Charter is a set of seven key features showing what a fair and high quality PB process should look like.
Read MoreThe PB Charter is a set of seven key features showing what a fair and high quality PB process should look like.
Read MoreA quick guide to what PB is and how it works.
Read MoreThe 1% PB commitment is an agreement between the Scottish Government and COSLA (which represents local authorities in Scotland) that at least 1% of local government budgets should be decided through participatory budgeting.
Read MoreThe National Participatory Budgeting Strategic Group has published a framework for the future of participatory budgeting (PB) in Scotland. The framework sets out shared intentions and ambitions for PB and, looking ahead, outlines a series of priority recommendations to be carried forward.
Read MoreThis resource looks at Participatory budgeting (PB) in schools from a Scottish and international perspective. It presents insights to the common school themes and points towards useful resources for practitioners.
Read MoreA quick guide explaining how PB can be used in schools.
Read MoreGreen PB is a way for people to make direct decisions about how budgets are spent addressing climate change and reducing our carbon footprints.
Read MoreThis resource highlight some useful digital tools which can support a Participatory Budgeting process - from complete solutions to useful individual tools.
Read MoreThis report from Glasgow Disability Alliance (GDA) highlights the experiences and views of disabled people in relation to having their voices heard in decision making processes.
Read MorePaul Nelis reflects on the importance of evaluating the impact of PB and presents 7 simple questions that will help PB steering groups and agencies (implementing mainstream PB) to evaluate their process and events.
Read MoreHere Paul Nelis reflects on his discussion with Ullapool Community Trust about the voting options available to them as they plan for their participatory budgeting event. It seems like there are as many variations in voting as snowflakes on a winters day.
Read MoreThis video from the Church of Scotland is a great way to quickly explain what participatory budgeting is and how it works.
Read MoreParticipatory budgeting in Scotland.
Participatory budgeting (PB) is a way for people to have a direct say in how local money is spent.
A 60-second guide
to PB
PB Scotland is developed by the
Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC)
with funding from the Scottish Government.
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