National PB Strategic Group publishes annual report
/The report details the activity of the group and the overall development of PB activity during the year.
Read MoreThe report details the activity of the group and the overall development of PB activity during the year.
Read MoreThis report explores how the Scottish Government's ambition for change can be delivered to make Scotland’s democracy more participative and inclusive.
Read MoreA new report brings together the huge range of participatory budgeting activity from across the world.
Read MoreA new report looks at how PB is being used in Ireland and explores the learning from across the world.
Read MoreDemocracy Beyond Elections is an emerging collaborative campaign to win structural democracy reforms that deepen participatory democracy and civic engagement, beyond and between elections.
Read MoreThis piece reflects on the history and evolution of participatory budgeting in Indonesia across six cities.
Read MoreAs part of their work developing the use of digital participatory budgeting (PB) in Scotland, Demsoc has been sharing inspiring examples of how digital tools have been used for PB around the world. This time they’re looking at Reykjavik’s long-standing PB process. This blog was written with the help of Róbert Bjarnason, who gave them a short interview about Reykjavik’s PB process. Róbert is Chief Exec of Citizens Foundation, a not-for-profit foundation, whose technology has been used in this process. Citizens Foundation are also one of the providers we’ve worked with to support digital PB in Scotland.
Read more here.
The Democratic Society have published a new report which provides a summary of learning around digital PB in Scotland since 2016.
Read MoreThis policy briefing looks what needs to be done for mainstream participatory budgeting to develop further in Scotland.
Read MoreGlasgow Disability Alliance has published a video which outlines the barriers disabled people when trying to get involved in participatory budgeting (PB).
Disabled people face a range of issues which prevent them participating in local decision-making - the video, and accompanying report, details examples from the experiences of disabled people. These include fundamental things like accessible venues and transport, as well as negative attitudes, along with the consequences of poverty, isolation and a lack of confidence.
Despite this, disabled people overwhelmingly want to be involved in deciding how local money is spent and decision-making processes are losing out on the voices and experiences of disabled people.
The video features practical solutions from disabled people about what can be done to address these issues, as well as highlighting the wider societal inequalities that disabled people face.
The full report is here and there’s more on the GDA website.
Glasgow City Council has published a report which outlines the work they’ve been doing around participatory budgeting (PB) across the city.
Read MoreThis report from Glasgow Disability Alliance (GDA) highlights the experiences and views of disabled people in relation to having their voices heard in decision making processes.
Read MoreA new book has been published which looks at how participatory budgeting (PB) has developed across the world since it first began in Brazil.
Read MoreA new report has detailed how PB was used in Porto Alegre, Brazil - often credited as the birthplace of participatory budgeting.
Read MoreHere, David Reilly shares his thoughts about a recent PB process which saw people experiencing homelessness decide on the best support for them.
Read MoreGlasgow’s Gorbals is famous for its strong community and on 1st February 2018 the Gorbals community met to decide on how public money should be spent.
Read MoreThe Improvement Service has produced an updated version of its guidance around PB for elected members.
Read MoreRead about all the action from the day.
Read MoreThe Welsh Government is exploring the role Participatory Budgeting (PB) could play in the Welsh Government budget highlighted in a new report.
Read MoreIn April 2017, Populus’s Claudia Chwalisz wrote a report on behalf of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy about citizen engagement in politics and policymaking to present to a delegation of Ukrainian MPs in Kiev.
Read MoreParticipatory budgeting in Scotland.
Participatory budgeting (PB) is a way for people to have a direct say in how local money is spent.
A 60-second guide
to PB
PB Scotland is developed by the
Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC)
with funding from the Scottish Government.
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