Guide to Evaluating the Wellbeing impacts of Participatory Budgeting
/This new guide and toolkit reflects on recent experiences of Participatory Budgeting (PB) within the Gwent area of Wales, from early 2020 to January 2023.
Read MoreThis new guide and toolkit reflects on recent experiences of Participatory Budgeting (PB) within the Gwent area of Wales, from early 2020 to January 2023.
Read MoreThe Participation Playbook is an interactive guide to help you successfully advocate for and implement a participatory program for your government or community.
Read MoreThis toolkit provides an overview of participatory democracy practices focused on policy-making, shares the results of a participatory policy-making (PPM) process
Read MorePeople Powered have published insights from 2021-22 around participatory budgeting.
Read MoreOficina has published the latest Participatory Budgeting World Atlas, a detailed summary of where and how PB is taking place across the globe.
Read MoreA new report looks at how PB is being used in Ireland and explores the learning from across the world.
Read MoreThis piece reflects on the history and evolution of participatory budgeting in Indonesia across six cities.
Read MoreCoryn Barclay, research consultant at Fife Council, shares insights from her visits to PB processes from across the globe.
Read MoreA new report has detailed how PB was used in Porto Alegre, Brazil - often credited as the birthplace of participatory budgeting.
Read MoreThe creation of a Charter of Quality for Participatory Budgeting in Portugal, based on thirteen principles.
Read MoreThis video from Participatory Budgeting Project (PBP) in the USA shows the experience of PB in 5 schools in Phoenix, Arizona.
Read MoreThis toolkit, developed by the US-based Participatory Budgeting Project, provides an introduction to PB.
Read MoreGiovanni Allegretti shares his knowledge of PB from around the world at this PB event in Edinburgh. He said we need to keep our eye on inequalities and make sure the process supports this aim.
Read MorePublic Agenda in the USA has released 15 key metrics for evaluation and a toolkit to provide common measures of success in participatory budgeting (PB). The North American PB Research Board, in collaboration with the USA based PB Project helped to develop these tools. The methodology used ‘will have universal application, even outside the USA and Canada’.
You can find out more and download the toolkit here.
Participatory budgeting in Scotland.
Participatory budgeting (PB) is a way for people to have a direct say in how local money is spent.
A 60-second guide
to PB
PB Scotland is developed by the
Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC)
with funding from the Scottish Government.
For more information please contact
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